Twitter is one of the largest social media channels in the world with 288 million users generating 500 million tweets a day. For marketers and webmasters this is a huge opportunity to tap into a global audience, 80% of who are using mobile and on the move.
This article will be covering a lot of different aspects about how to use Twitter as a marketing platform for your business. The article is split into the following three sections:
1. Twitter header and Customization
2. How to optimize your Twitter cover
3. Other take-aways that also important!
Understand the customization
Ok, you do know that you can customize several things on your twitter profile, right?
I would like to highlight three things about your Twitter layout you can customize: Profile picture, Twitter bio and Twitter cover or Twitter header.
A. Profile Picture
Twitter profile picture size is 400×400 pixels. The profile picture is a great place to put your logo, products or even your headshot (if you offer a personal consultancy services). As you know the Twitter profile picture now is similar to the Facebook dimensions in both size and location. The profile picture no longer appears on the middle of the page, but on the left hand corner of the cover.
B. Twitter Bio
This one isn’t about a customization in the literal sense of the meaning. The Twitter bio allows you to customize your branding. Think about it. What does your Twitter bio say about you? This is also an important component your twitter profile as people will pick this up and use it when making a first impression of you or your brand.
Have a think about how you want to brand yourself. Do you want to be professional, do you want to be cool and a bit witty? How easily do you want to be to engage with. All of this counts.
C. Twitter Cover or Twitter Header
The Twitter header size is 1500×500 pixels. It is a great media to play around with if you want to be more creative with your Twitter profile appearance. Be sure to put a high resolution image since a blurry image will create a bad impression of your brand. As this is the best media to use when we are talking about being creative with your Twitter profile. I’ll cover this in more detail later on in this article.
Btw, you can see this image below for a better understanding about the Twitter layouts; the sizing of Twitter profile picture, Twitter cover and also image post (Twitter post).
Twitter Image Post
The Twitter image post size is 1024 x 512 pixels. Use this size if you want your image to appear nicely on the timeline. If you resize to these dimensions people will be able to see the whole of your image without needing to click on the image to enlarge it (Oh yes, some people have a very limited time so they won’t bother to do one click to learn more about the information that you share).
When designing a Twitter header profile keep in mind that 80% of people will be using Twitter on a mobile. This is a very important thing to remember when you’re thinking about where to place text on the featured image and where to place images.
Besides those three things (Twitter profile, Bio, and Twitter cover plus Twitter image post) there are several other things that you can customize in term of your twitter profile. They include: background color, background image, theme color and overlay.
When editing these things remember to keep your design in line with the color of your brand. If you don’t want to get confused with all these things, Twitter provides a pre-made theme. There are plenty of pre-made themes available so you will be able to find one that suits your needs.
As for the background image, you won’t really see them on your profile. However it will appear if your audience views a single tweet (via PC). However, this will not appear on a mobile. This is something you can utilize too, though of course it is only 20% of of people who will see the change.
Several ways to optimize your Twitter cover
I mentioned earlier that your Twitter cover is one of the most important things that you can change if you plan to use Twitter in your marketing. Of course you know why this is so important. The reasons are pretty much the same with the Facebook cover photo. It is the biggest canvas that you can play with.
There are three things that you need to remember when designing your Twitter cover: (1) Make sure it speaks about your business in a good way. Make sure it conveys the right message and represents your brand in a positive way (2) Make sure the image is a high resolution one so it won’t appear blurry. Then lastly (3) Twitter active users are mostly on mobile so even though the Twitter cover size is 1500 x 500 pixel, for most people it will appear slightly different on mobile (and yes it is responsive so different platforms can have different results).
To get the best results for your Twitter cover make sure to create a few variations of your image. Use your creativity and create great results.
Never be afraid to change your Twitter cover. You can always change your image to make your Twitter profile fresh and keep up to date with recent issues. Whatever you do, remember to always be consistent with your branding. Staying consistent in your branding will allow your business to stay top of the mind for most consumers.
Here are several ways to optimize your twitter cover to create better marketing result:
A. Showcase new products
Why not, right? Your Twitter cover is a great place to highlight new products that you are about to release or new services that you have to offer. Companies have used this tactic successfully to engage audiences with their brand. Of course you can also use this tactic to highlight your existing products or services.
B. Show off what you are good about
Do you have any achievement in regards with your business? Any awards or testimonials from a reputable companies / people that you can use to support and tell people how good is your products or your service is.
You might have other great things about your business that you want to highlight. Your Twitter cover is a great excuse to shout about it! You can even include things like what companies you work with. This is a really good way to build trust in your brand.
C. Highlight an event or competition
You know that Twitter is also a billboard, right? Why not ‘advertise’ your own next event or any ongoing exciting promotion that your company has on your Twitter cover? People love to know about what is happening and by using your Twitter cover as an advertising space your audience can benefit from this information.
D. Company overview
Your Twitter cover can be used to give your audience a clear overview of the services that your company offers. For example, if you are a copywriter, you could give your audience an instant overview of exactly what kind of copy you write. Easy at a glance information.
E. Set the feel
If you are a healthy lifestyle consultant or any organic products that promotes a healthy lifestyle then you can incorporate that ‘lifestyle’ theme on your Twitter cover. This clever use of setting a tone for your business allows you to quickly connect with anyone who happens to visit your Twitter page.
F: Showcase your personality
If your company or brand is based around a person then your Twitter cover can be an excuse to highlight elements of your personality. For example if you’re known to be funny you can inject some humor into your Twitter cover.
G: Be up to date
You can always connect your brand with things that are happening around us. For example you can easily connect the design of your Twitter cover to the seasons, with holidays and many other things.
By bringing these theme into your messaging and blending them with your products, you can really engage with your audience. In this was your Twitter cover photo lets you show your brand’s awareness of the latest trends and allows you to always stay relevant in your customer’s eyes.
Speaking about Twitter cover maker, you should give a try. With Youzign designing Twitter cover has never been easier. There are several templates that are ready to use and you can create unlimited designs. Check out the video below to learn more about how to use Youzign to create customized Twitter headers.
Other take-aways that also important!
– Pinned tweet
Yes, you can pin a tweet to your profile page. Basically this tweet will be sticky. You can use this feature to highlight news / articles so that every twitter users who accesses your page can see it.
– Share useful and interesting content
People follow you on Twitter not only because they like your product, but also because they are interested in the things that you are sharing. Beside promoting your own products or services, you should also share other useful and interesting content that is relevant to your audience.
– How many tweets is too many tweets?
People say that you should tweet more, and some people also say that you should tweet less. So how many tweets is just right? The best way to answer this is to test what works for your audience. Use the Twitter analytics to see when your audience is most engaged and then focus on those key times. Every audience at every business field have such a different habit.
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