How A YouTube Cover Art Maker Will Help Boost Your Channel’s Credibility

One of the fundamental indicators of the potential for success of your YouTube channel is your YouTube cover. The cover is what visitors first see when they stumble upon your channel. When trying to design your cover, you can choose one of two methods. First, you can try to make the cover yourself. Second, you can use a professional YouTube cover art maker.

Since its inception, YouTube has become a video-sharing behemoth with hundreds of hours of video shared and watched on the platform daily. What’s also exciting is that YouTube paved the road for gifted individuals to start expressing their talents, skills, knowledge, and vision to the world, and creating virtual communities for sharing common interests.

The cover should speak to your audience, and stand out from the rest in terms of creativity, the attractiveness of the design, and the color palettes used in the creation process.

DIY cover art

There is nothing wrong in trying to make the cover yourself. After all, it’s your channel, and it’s your personality that should be reflected in the art. However, when you start this process, it’s inevitable that you will face some difficulties while trying to create inspiring cover art.

An important thing to note is that your cover art should be adapt perfectly on all modern devices, whether they are smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, etc. Doing this requires not only extreme effort and patience, but craftsmanship and detailed knowledge of the cover art design process, too. If you lack the professional experience you may create a cover that looks good on your monitor, but looks horrible on other screens and devices.


Sure enough, struggling artists and beginners always try to save time and as much money as they possibly can. Even if this applies to you as well, doing your homework and research, and comparing different services that can help you achieve your vision will ensure you are not compromising on quality.  

You might be asking yourself who can help you design awesome YouTube cover art. If you do some research online, Youzign’s name will inevitably come up.

Youzigning your channel with a YouTube cover art maker

Choosing us as your mentor during the process of creating a YouTube cover may be the step required to make fantastic cover art for your channel. Using our services will enable you to showcase inspiring art, saving an enormous amount of time and effort that you would otherwise waste, should you choose the DIY path.

Our YouTube channel art creator contains hundreds of high-res templates, fantastic pictures and graphics that will enable you to connect with your audience in a meaningful way. Using our offerings, you will create a recognizable brand through which you can interact with your prospects.

Customizability is one of the cornerstones of our YouTube art creator and a guiding principle in our work. Leaving your personal stamp on the world is what we truly stand for. You can pick from a handful of available fonts, high-res images, and templates that will enable you to create a unique design. Youzign additionally manages the sizing for your YouTube channel art. Therefore, you are only left with the task of creating beautiful graphics with the help of Youzign’s user-friendly interface.


What follows are some of the things Youzign lets you do in order to boost the attractiveness and credibility of your YouTube channel.

Design preview

Once you set your eyes on a particular template and select a beautiful font, you may want to take a step back and assess your creation one last time. Youzign lets you preview your creations on all devices to evaluate whether the art is appropriately responsive and matched in quality across different screens.

You want your art to look good on all devices. Double-checking your cover art with Youzign is a easy and helps in achieving a peace of mind knowing that whenever your prospects visit your channel using a smartphone or tablet, they will come across a perfectly crafted brand.

Many templates to choose from

You have no experience in design? No worries, we got you covered! Here, at Youzign, we have lots of design templates for your YouTube channel and they will get you on the right track to creating striking cover art. Just sign up and you can design your first artwork in minutes. Yes, it’s that easy! All you need to do is choose from our wide array of professionally designed templates. Afterwards, choose the font, customize your images and colors, and you’re all set.


Customize your template to your heart’s content

You can play around with the design endlessly – feel free to select from the variety of available fonts and play with the colors. When you get the desired result, tamper with it a bit more and see if you can tweak some details. The possibilities are endless. 

Matching Facebook and Twitter covers

With Youzign, you can create Facebook and Twitter covers that perfectly match the YouTube cover art you’ve already created. That way, your audience will easily recognize your brand across several platforms, and your presence online will be multiplied. Finally, this will enable you to reach and interact with new prospects and build a greater community of followers.

Bonus: Create your own Youtube video thumbnails with Youzign

Did you know you can create custom Youtube thumbnails for your videos in Youzign? This is a great way to instantly attract more viewers to your videos. Here are the quick steps to follow!

1. After logging in to your account, go to the templates page.

2. Search for “Youtube thumbnail” in the search box.

3. Choose a thumbnail design  from the pre-made templates

4. Customize. Now you might consider making your thumbnail as clear and simple as possible. The balance between text and images to convey the main idea of your video is what gives it a professional look most of the time.

5. Once done tweaking your design, it’s time to add it to your video. Here is a Youtube help article on how to add your thumbnail to your videos. Just follow and you’re done!

Closing thoughts

Not everyone is cut out for building a community of followers on YouTube. Those who choose to go on this journey, however, better put some effort in building an engaging and exciting brand that many people notice. YouTube is about developing a community and building lasting relationships with your audience. When people visit your channel, they first see the channel art, your sigil. They should know what they’re getting into when clicking your cover art for the first time.

Therefore, it is of great importance to create a strikingly beautiful and engaging channel cover. Doing this will increase your subscription rates and the number of followers willing to interact with you in the long run.

I hope that these ideas will help you increase your Youtube Channel’s credibility. Now, it’s time to share your thoughts on the comments below. What tool do you use to create your Youtube channel art? Or do you prefer to create it on your own or have it assigned to a professional graphic artist? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

P.S. Feel free to checkout Youzign today so you can start creating beautiful marketing graphics that converts and lets you standout from the crowd! 🙂


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