How to create a Facebook Reactions poll with Youzign

Facebook Reactions took the world by storm by going beyond the simple “Like” button and providing users a host of reactions which match human emotions.

Screenshot 2017-02-20 15.04.37

Download the Facebook Emojis as PNGs here.

In fact, Facebookers may mark any posts on the social media platoform with the following reactions: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.

Since this interface became an overnight hit, it wasn’t long until marketers found ways to use it to their advantages… And one of the most popular way to do so is setting up reaction polls.

There are two type of reaction polls really: Facebook Live Video Reaction Polls and Image Reaction Polls. In the case of this article, we are going to focus on the latter since Youzign deals with images really : )

This is a great way to quickly engage with your audience with minimal marketing efforts.

First, go to Youzign and select New Design>Facebook>Facebook News Feed Image.

Youzign Facebook News Feed Image

Secondly, choose a nice background for your image.

Screenshot 2017-02-20 13.43.42

Next, upload the images of the different poll choices you want people to vote on.

Youzign Facebook Poll Design

Then, upload the Facebook Reactions Emojis to your design.

Finally, post to your Fanpage, Facebook group or Facebook profile and monitor the engagement with your audience!

Facebook Reactions Poll

Note: Facebook recommends using a reaction with an image that match its emotional intent. You can see an example of this principle with the dog poll above. You may read more about Facebook Reactions guidelines on the official page






6 responses to “How to create a Facebook Reactions poll with Youzign”

  1. NeilAlan Avatar

    This is clever but I must be missing something. Where is the code that lets us know which of the images was clicked? Or Kris a tally? Thanks.

    1. bertranddo Avatar

      Hey Neil actually you just post to Facebook as is and you can see the votes from the reactions below the post. This is a static image so it wont do a live count.. To achieve that you might want to use a Facebook Live Reaction Poll (using video), this seems like a good solution to do that

  2. Daniel Chiteji Avatar
    Daniel Chiteji

    Perfect timing. The issue with video is you can’t run ads to a LIVE broadcast, so it tough for a fan page that doesn’t have a big following to leverage a poll. However, with an image, you run ads right away.

    1. bertranddo Avatar

      Great point @danielchiteji:disqus , thanks for sharing : )

  3. Agnes Boukaram Avatar
    Agnes Boukaram

    Voici une très bonne suggestion. Merci Bertrand, j’espère qu’il y en aura encore d’autres.

  4. Yasmina Tamasha Avatar
    Yasmina Tamasha

    Here is also a way to make it a little bit more interactive by using live techniques. This way your post will go as live stream (which is more convertible by Facebook in followers’ news feed) and display a counting of votes. In addition, Facebook guidelines don’t recommend to use emotions for votes. So here is also a solution. Your live poll can be programmed to count comments as votes, not reactions.
    However, both options – picture and video – can be combined and used for increasing Facebook page engagement.
    Here you can try to make live streaming poll just with few clicks:

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