7 Best Practices For Facebook Cover Photos

Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, you should understand the importance of your online reputation. While having an informative business website is a good core aspect of your online image, managing an attractive Facebook page is also an important element that can affect your success. Let’s look at the ways in which you can use Facebook cover photos to make your business page shine.

Appealing Facebook cover photos can help you build a positive public image

According to the latest statistics, there are now over 1.86 billion monthly active Facebook users. The first thing people see when they visit any Facebook page is its cover photo. The Facebook cover photo is the largest photo on your Facebook page and as such, it gives you a unique opportunity to impress visitors.

Facebook cover photos have the power to invite users to learn more about your business and offerings, and finally turn them into paying customers. Since a properly created Facebook page can help present your brand and generate leads, it’s important you give your best in creating an appealing cover photo.

To ensure you are on the right track, here are some of the best practices you can follow.smartmockups-digital_pixabay_12

Best practices for awesome Facebook cover photos

The purpose of your Facebook page can be increasing sales, creating awareness of your new products and services or establishing good relationships with customers. Whatever the purpose, here are some suggestions to doing it right:

1. Do it right

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Here is a perfect sample of visual balance from the clothing line J.Crew.

You need to use your Facebook cover photo to display your products or services in the most attractive manner. In order to immediately grab the attention of your target audience, it is always best to display your offerings on the right side of the cover image. The main reason for this is that people look on the right side of the Facebook page, right after they see the profile photo.

Another reason for displaying your products or services on the right is to achieve a visual balance on your page. With your profile picture being on the left side, showcasing other visual elements anywhere but on the right side will cause a visual imbalance.

2. Use attractive images instead of text

As an entrepreneur, you may be tempted to add written content to your Facebook cover photo in order to communicate your message more clearly. It may be your business motto or call to action.

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Sarah Dieckmann – an artist/ illustrator showcases one of her stunning artworks on her cover photo.

However, it is good to remember that nothing draws the attention of visitors like an attractive, high-quality photo. So, try to show what you do or sell rather than write about it.

3. Ensure the cover photo matches your profile picture

When creating a Facebook cover photo, it is crucial to ensure it visually matches your profile picture.

Even though there is no specific rule, it is considered more effective when Facebook cover photos blend well with your profile pictures. Many well-known brands use this trick to maximize the effect of their Facebook pages.

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A perfect sample of sound cover and profile photo. When monochrome is the new black. 🙂

If you use your creativity and put some effort into making your cover photo blend into your profile picture, you can create real artwork. This will add to the appearance and consistency of your page and it will surely intrigue and attract more visitors.

Additionally, it is good to make the other parts of your Facebook page blend well with your current cover photo. These parts include the call-to-action button, like button, message button, etc. Be creative and make sure your cover photo integrates with the other parts properly, forming a truly amazing page.

4. Always stay true to your brand

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Take this minimalist cover sample by The Jealous Curator…

Even if your brand is not widely recognized, it’s important to stay true to it. This way, you will produce a long-term effect that your target audience will remember.

Once you ensure your Facebook cover photo presents your brand appropriately, focus on creating a short and effective call to action. If you have an effective call to action on your website, don’t hesitate to test it on your Facebook page, too.

5. Promote your new products and services

With so many Facebook users around the world, it’s easy to conclude that your Facebook page can be a great tool when promoting new offerings. If you’ve got a brand new product or service to offer to online visitors, your Facebook cover photo is the perfect medium for that purpose. A quality cover photo can easily attract attention to whatever you are promoting at the moment.

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The HD Bluchic’s cover photo is an instant magnet to its target audience.

6. Change your Facebook cover photos to show your festive side

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Keeping your cover photo up-to-date gives you an edge over your competitors.

Most people enjoy the holidays. As seasons change, you should think of changing your Facebook cover photos accordingly. Presenting products or services while showing your festive side means that your Facebook page is always up-to-date. At Youzign, we have some great cover templates to help your page look fresh and attractive all throughout the year.

Another important reason to change your cover photo regularly and in accordance with the upcoming or ongoing holidays is to increase sales. As people enjoy spending more money during the holiday seasons, your updated cover photo will remind them to check the great deals you have to offer.

7. Create a sense of excitement

If you have a reason to celebrate, it’s good to show it by creating an outstanding thematic Facebook cover photo. If you’re celebrating an anniversary, make it known by uploading a killer Facebook cover that will create a sense of excitement. Then, to make the excitement even more contagious, communicate a great offering in a short, effective manner. Also, don’t hesitate to celebrate all the special turning points of your business and share them with your followers.

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With Youzign it’s easy to create an exciting Facebook cover that visitors will love. You can preview your creative designs as they would look on Facebook, so that you can make necessary changes.Get started with Youzign today. Spark your creativity and make your Facebook page shine with out-of-this-world Facebook cover photos.

Those are our top 7 best practices for Facebook cover so far. If you have some more tips to share with us or questions, please feel free to let us know below. 🙂

To your success,





One response to “7 Best Practices For Facebook Cover Photos”

  1. samsons1 Avatar

    Very good article. Thanks for including it…;)

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