I am always excited to welcome Mother’s Day. How about you guys?
Well, to celebrate the event we are giving away 15 unique png designs for you to use in Youzign. We are releasing them under the Creative Commons licence, so you can use them in any of your designs. Just scroll to the bottom of the article to pick up your copy, or keep on reading and learn some fun facts about Mother’s Day 😉
Mother’s Day comes from the United States (some say that it started in Greece) and is now celebrated all over the world. Most people celebrate on May 10th. However, the date changes depending in what country you are in.
Here are some celebration during Mother’s Day, a national holiday to honor mothers, from all around the world. Hope you enjoy it!
The first Mothers Day celebration in Austria was in 1924. It is traditional to give handicraft presents and flowers to your Mum. Many people will also take their parents out for a meal.
Mother’s Day is called “Haha no Hi“ in Japanese. In Japan it’s traditional to draw something nice or make a present. You’ll see a lot of flowers, especially carnations, during Mother’s Day celebration period. Carnations, with their sweetness, purity, and endurance, are the most popular gift and considered a symbol of motherhood.
Mother’s Day celebration is something that is relatively new in India. The whole concept of Mother’s day celebration in India is a thought that being a mother is the proudest thing that a woman can achieve.
Mexican people are famous for taking Mother’s Day celebration very seriously. During the day, restaurants are normally busy (you usually need to make a reservation one week before). Gifts, cards and sing songs are all part of the celebrations.
South Africa
In South Africa Mother’s Day is not only about your mother. People in South Africa also thank their grand mothers and other mother figures in their lives. Gifts, carnations and cards are all popular gifts.
On of a kind, Indonesian celebrate the Mother’s Day on December 22. It is celebrated on December 22 because the date was the date of the Indonesian Women’s Congress (this was held in Jogjakarta on December 22, 1928).
That was just a quick tour around the world, but I know Mother’s Day is celebrated in a lot of different ways. I’d love to learn how you celebrate Mother’s Day where you come from?
In the mean time, while waiting for you to share your stories, Youzign would live to give you this present to celebrate Mother’s Day-wherever you are! Enjoy the free vectors and download them here.
Happy Mother’s Day!
P.S. Feel free to check out Youzign – the most powerful graphics tool to design anything online today!
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