The New Youzign Dashboard is Live!

Youzigners, Awesome day! 🙂

In behalf of the entire Youzign team, I am thrilled to announce to you the new, more organized Youzign dashboard. We have just finished adding the popularly demanded – directory folders , plus integrating a masonry-style responsive layout for your designs and also a crisp, new layout for templates and profile pages. 

Watch the tutorial


To help you get acquainted with the new dashboard we’ve created the video above (like the frame by the way? We created it with our new cool plugin, Video Frames).

Check it out and see the new features for yourself. We’ve also added a few screenshots and a detailed tutorial below so you know exactly what to expect.

youzign-dashboard-folders youzign-templates-home

How to organize your designs in folders

1. Click on the  + icon to create a new folder

Screenshot 2015-08-21 14.12.03

2. Double click on the folder name to rename it

Screenshot 2015-08-21 14.14.34

3. Click on My Designs to return to all your designs and folders

Screenshot 2015-08-21 14.16.07

Above you can see the new “Branding” folder we have just created.

4. Drag and drop any designs into a folder

Drag and drop any designs into folders
Note: you can also drag and drop designs to the folders in the sidebar

Update: we found a small bug here, you might need to click on *My designs* again (it’s like a refresh) after creating a new folder to be able to drag and drop a design into it. Working on a fix for monday!

4. Create as many folders as you need!

Easily organize your designs into folders

Other cool stuff in this update

Better infinite scrolling

New profile page

Screenshot 2015-08-21 14.33.58
The new profile page has a redesigned look. We’ll also be adding some new features to this page over the next couple of weeks

Tons of new templates

This one is very exciting for us! We had quite a few templates in the backlog which we pushed all at once. Youzign now totals 602 templates! Make sure to check out the new pricing table templates too if you are working on a sales page : )

Screenshot 2015-08-21 15.03.54
New: you can now sort templates using the sorting options in the top right

Final thoughts

The new interface make it easier for you to manage your design library. Drag and drop your designs into specially created folders at the click of a mouse. It also integrates a few noteworthy additions to the templates and profile pages.

This is only a start of a series of major updates we are going to push over the next 3 months to make Youzign all it’s meant to be (we’ll share our roadmap for September sometimes next week).

To find out more about this upgrade, just login to Youzign and check it out for yourself.

P.S. Let us know your feedback on the new dashboard in the comments section! Have a great week-end!





14 responses to “The New Youzign Dashboard is Live!”

  1. Andrew Neal Avatar

    Thank you for listening to our requests! This is an incredible update and look forward to seeing the continued success of Youzign!

  2. Ats12 Avatar

    Great update. Thank you. The dashboard looks sleek.

    Will there be more new infographic templates? Also, where can I get more templates?

    1. Deb E. Ballard Avatar

      There are new templates added every time I log in… I purchased YouZign when it first launched and also purchased an extended license that provided me with a ton of extra templates… Not sure if that’s still available or where to get it… but I got mine from a vendor at … Sorry I don’t have more info but maybe someone will! 🙂

      1. Ats12 Avatar

        Thanks Deb. Will check out.

    2. Rose Bulandos Avatar
      Rose Bulandos

      Hi Ats,

      Glad to know you liked it! 🙂 (Sorry for the delay in response here).
      There are now a total of 17 infographic templates available in the upgrade and we’re still adding more.

      If you still wish to level up your account, you can purchase at any time here => Thanks!

      Happy holidays!

      1. Ats12 Avatar

        Thanks Rose. Hope you had a good holiday.

  3. samsons1 Avatar

    I like it…

    1. Rose Bulandos Avatar
      Rose Bulandos

      great, thanks! 🙂

  4. pat Avatar

    Can we design logo’s with Youzign?

    1. Deb E. Ballard Avatar

      Seriously, the sky is the limit with YouZign! I’ve even taken pre-designed YouTube, Google+, FB, etc. designed and used elements of it to create logos! It’s all up to your imagination! 🙂

  5. […] have also been pushing some cool updates over the past couple of months, like the ability to organize your dashboard into folders, the Youzign WordPress plugin, the Youzign API, and tons of small improvements to the platform […]

  6. […] have also been pushing some cool updates over the past couple of months, like the ability to organize your dashboard into folders, the Youzign WordPress plugin, the Youzign API, and tons of small improvements to the platform […]

  7. Deb E. Ballard Avatar

    I had no idea there was a YouZign Blog!!! This should SO be marketed more! It’s fantastic!!! ::))

    1. Rose Bulandos Avatar
      Rose Bulandos

      Hi Deb,

      Thanks for the kind words! 😀 Yep, we’re multiplying our efforts to market the App even more. 🙂
      Btw, have you checked out our FB fan page and closed group for Youzigners yet?
      If not, you are so much invited => and

      Happy Holidays,

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