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Quick Guide To Web Headers


It is still a trend to own a website, an Internet platform on the World Wide Web where you can variously advertise your business, company or sell products. In order to make yours a noticeable one, you need to put up an effort in branding and marketing it.

What is a Web Header?


One of the essential elements in your website is a header. It is located at the top part of each page on your website, containing 1) your business or company name with or without a logo, 2) a photo of you or any image related to the business, and 3) your business tagline.

Since the main purpose of a header is all about the business promotion, you may also include navigation buttons of your social media addresses.

Web Header size

It is a common thought to consider the header size, the limitation of space where the promotion essentials of your website will be placed.

The header size must be big enough to placed readable information, but must not consume much space. It is suggested that the dimensions will be at least in 900 x 200 pixels, a size reasonable enough to put everything important.

Design and details

Creativity in making a header is a thing, but simplicity will always be a beauty. You should consider the design and detail layout to avoid crowded information.

If your header is for branding a person, you must prioritize putting at least four (4) basic information: the business logo, the website title, the name and the photo of that person.

When branding a business, keep headers simple and neat, placing just the business logo and tagline. Your goal here is to highlight your business, making viewers interested, so be careful not to overdo the design.

Now, if your website is about branding a product, a service or an event, note that the credibility of the brand should also be one of the priorities, aside from the logo and a short description that includes related images.

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